Bathroom Paint Colors that Won’t Go Out of Style
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September 3, 2020Your home is your most valuable asset. Maintaining, repairing, and preserving both the interior and the exterior of your home are necessary, regardless of whether your intention is to keep or sell your property.
Why should I repaint my home’s exterior?
Even though it’s out of sight, out of mind when you’re sitting inside your home, there are some benefits to be had from keeping the exterior of your home looking nice and fresh. Some of these reasons include:
1. Making your home standout
A vibrant paint job makes your house stand out and makes it more visually attractive to those on the outside. This is particularly beneficial for those of you who are looking to sell your home. When it comes to being attracted to certain properties, it’s all about curb appeal.
2. You’ll increase your home’s value
You are more likely to get top dollar for your property if it provides both internal and external appeal. Freshen up that siding or stucco, and you may stand to pocket as much as $20,000 at closing time.
3. You’ll protect your home’s exterior from natural elements
Paint is designed as a protective layer against the elements; if your paint is old, cracked, chipped, or peeling, you are also compromising the strength of the material underneath. Consider fresh paint to once again protect your home from Mother Nature’s onslaught.
4. You’ll reveal condition issues…and have the chance to repair
Many homeowners are surprised to find that the exterior condition of their home is less than stellar as new coats of paint are applied. Finding mold and mildew issues, cracks in siding and missing caulk are all things that you can fix and repair as your new coat of paint is being applied.
When you consider your home’s curb appeal, looking at everything from your landscaping to your trim is essential to create a great first impression when viewing your home. How is your paint job looking these days? You may not realize it, but chipped, fading and cracking paint leave your home susceptible for additional wear and tear. Exterior paint is meant not only to beautify your home, but to provide additional protection against the elements.
Are you well protected? Let’s look at some telltale signs it’s time to repaint the exterior of your home:
Excessive fading
Excess fading of your paint is an indicator that Mother Nature has been beating on your home for a while. Harsh winds, hot sun, and driving rain can all do their work on an exterior paint job; if your color is not as vibrant is it once was, consider hiring a residential painting contractor to freshen up your exterior look.
Outdated color scheme
Olive green and barn red might have been an attractive color combination in the seventies, but it doesn’t inspire confidence in your ability to decorate the interior of your home based on your choice of outer color. You can choose to paint the exterior of your home to update it and provide your neighbors with a newfound sense of relief. In general, neutral tones of paint and attractive accent trim are excellent choices for brightening and revising your look, purely for aesthetic purposes.
Damage to exterior structures
Holes in your siding, peeling wood or damaged stucco all need some attention. In these situations, damage to the exterior of your home has gone beyond the paint. Deal with any damage to siding or stucco that exists, and then apply a fresh coat of paint to seal in and protect your repaired surfaces.
Paint that is peeling, bubbling, or cracking
When you see patches of paint on the exterior of your home that have cracked, peeled or bubbled, it is an indicator that surfaces underneath are subject to rot or mold, and you are compromising your home’s exterior by allowing this to spread to other areas of your siding or exterior surface. Remove the damaged paint, deal with any repair or cleanup that is needed underneath and apply a fresh coat of paint courtesy of a residential painting contractor to seal the deal.
Moisture stains, mold, and mildew
Surprise! Exterior paint surfaces are also subject to moisture, mold and mildew stains, and if they are not attended to promptly, they could seep into sub surfaces of your siding and stucco, causing significant damage that requires repair and clean up. Exterior painters can quickly get to the bottom of a problem and provide professional clean up and repair surfaces before restoring your home to its former beauty and brilliance.
Cracked caulking
Caulk is placed around windows and doors in an effort to seal out the elements. When you notice that the caulking is cracked and peeling, it means that moisture is seeping into your home via these weakened areas. This damaged area will eventually spread to your siding and trim if not properly repaired. Filling in with a fresh coat of caulk followed by new paint will seal off those windows and doors once more, leaving your home impenetrable once more.
Chalky residue on exterior surfaces
If you notice that your exterior has a white, chalky residue as you run a dark towel across surfaces, this is an indicator that the paint is breaking down. As binder in pain begins to lose its hold on the pigment, it will continue to deteriorate and cause damage to your home’s exterior to structure. Time to employ some professional exterior painters to refresh and protect your home.
Ready for a facelift? Give us a call!
J.Canabe Painting in Lyndhurst NJ is an exterior painting company you can trust. Our experienced painters can diagnose, treat, and repair all types of exterior home issues while giving your home a fresh, updated look that will protect it well for years to come. Whether your wish is to update, or you are in need of significant repairs, trust us to get your exterior up to date and in good shape for a very reasonable price. Contact us today for a no-obligation assessment of your home and property, as well as suggestions for how we can beautify and restore your home once more.